October 7, 2021
Greetings Collingswood friends, family, and neighbors.
Over the last two school years, the Collingswood School District has had to be creative. Making sure EVERY student is con...

October 1, 2021
Greetings Dear Collingswood School Community,
Thank you for your continued patience and grace as we work through a broad range of challenges associated with the pandemic. As we ...

September 27, 2021
Public participation and attendance at School Board Meetings is welcome. Meetings are also live streamed via our website and public comments accepted electronically. For tho...

September 24, 2021
The Collingswood Education Association is excited to be back to in-person learning and we hope that this trend continues! To help us achieve this goal the Collingswood School Distr...

September 22, 2021
Please continue to use the Student COVID-19 Daily Symptom Checker prior to coming to school each day. Should you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child'...

September 7, 2021
Greetings Dear School Community, As we approach the new school year, we wanted to provide you with an Updated School Reopening Plan which contains the latest information as well ...

August 30, 2021
Public participation and attendance at School Board Meetings is welcome. Meetings are also live streamed via our website and public comments accepted electronically. For those att...
August 18, 2021
Good Afternoon, Please click the link below for more information about the Nutri-Serve employment opportunities. Nutri-Serve Employment Opportunity

August 10, 2021
An important reminder for all Collingswood residents:
The Collingswood School District is partnering with the Borough of Collingswood Commissioners, the Collingswood COVID...

August 7, 2021
Greetings Dear Families & Caregivers,
We hope that summer break has been restful and fun. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and re-connecting upon your return in ...
August 2, 2021
Good Morning,
Please see the chart above that displays when the Reopening Community Information Session will be for each school and when.

July 19, 2021
The Collingswood School District is partnering with the Borough of Collingswood Commissioners, the Collingswood COVID-19 Recovery Committee, and the Camden County Department of Hea...
July 12, 2021
Collingswood Youth Theatre Presents: Seussical Kids Live! Please click here for additional information!

July 1, 2021
As announced in the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)’s April 28, 2021 broadcast , in March 2021 President Biden signed the Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act , Publi...
June 28, 2021
Important Notice for Families who are Eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) funds are coming for the 2020-2021 school year. What is P-EBT? P-EBT is a program t...

June 17, 2021
Zane North 5th grade graduates exit with “JOY”! Congratulations! https://twitter.com/Colls_ZaneNorth/status/1405626595067502598?s=2

June 17, 2021
Zane North celebrates learning with a school wide fun, filled dance! “Dancing with Joy”! CHOOSE JOY! https://twitter.com/Colls_Zane...

June 17, 2021
Zane North “Celebration Day” - 2021 - creating memories to last a lifetime! We are Stronger Together! https://twitter.com/Colls_Zane...

June 16, 2021
Zane North is JOY filled! Enjoy the highlights of our Kindergarten promotion. Memories to last a lifetime! Congratulations to our future leaders! https://twitter.com/Colls_ZaneNor...
June 14, 2021
Dear Families, Please see the attached link below that provides information about Nutri-Serve Summer Meals. https://5il.co/u12r